Huggy's Jokes

I am Mia's teddy bear, Huggy.  I am  a girl.  I hope you enjoy my marvellous jokes. I think they'll make you laugh. 

What do you call a dinosaur with only one eye?


What is a hedgehog's favourite snack?

Prickled onions!

Why did the submarine blush?

Because she saw the Queen Elizabeth II's bottom!

How do you make milk shake?

Scare it!

What is the worst cat to have?

A catastrophy.

Why did the crab blush?

Because the sea weed.


  1. Hi Mia (and Huggy), I love your blog so far :-)
    I particularly like the submarine one! x

  2. Huggy is a very funny bear!
    I like your blog!

  3. Hilarous I like the second joke it's awesome!
    Your blog is fab BTW.
